VHDL includes a variety of control statements that can be used to describe combinational functions, indicate priorities of operations, and specify other high-level behavior.


The if-then-else construct is the most common form of control statement in VHDL. The general form of the if-then-else construct is:


    if first_condition then


    elsif second_condition then




    end if;


The conditions specified in an if-then-else construct must evaluate to a Boolean type. This means that the following example is incorrect:


procedure Mux(signal A, B, S: in std_logic; signal O: out std_logic) is


    if S then          -- Error:  S is not Boolean!

        O <= B;


        O <= A;

    end if;

end Mux;


Instead, this example must be modified so that the if statement condition evaluates to a Boolean expression:


    if S = '1' then          -- Now it will work...

            O <= B;


            O <= A;

        end if;

    end Mux;


The statement parts of an if-then-else construct can contain any sequential VHDL statements, including other if-then-else statement constructs. This means that you can nest multiple levels of if-then-else statements, in the following form:


    if outer_condition then



        if inner_condition then


        end if;

    end if;


See also

image\diamond.gif  Case Statement