The module is the basic unit of hierarchy in Verilog. Modules contain declarations and functional decriptions and represent hardware components.
Syntax ( Key to Notation )
{either} module ModuleName [(Port,...)]; ModuleItem... endmodule macromodule ModuleName [(Port,...)]; ModuleItem... endmodule ModuleItem = {either} Declaration Defparam Continuous Assignment Instance Specify Initial Always
Modules are declared outside any other modules or primitives.
The same keyword, endmodule, is used at the end of both modules and macromodules.
Have only one module declaration per file. This eases source code maintenance for a large design.
macromodule nand2 (f, a, b); output f; input a, b; nand (f, a, b); endmodule module PYTHAGORAS (X, Y, Z); input [63:0] X, Y; output [63:0] Z; parameter Epsilon = 1.0E-6; real RX, RY, X2Y2, A, B; always @(X or Y) begin RX = $bitstoreal(X); RY = $bitstoreal(Y); X2Y2 = (RX * RX) + (RY * RY); B = X2Y2; A = 0.0; while ((A - B) > Epsilon || (A - B) < -Epsilon) begin A = B; B = (A + X2Y2 / A) / 2.0; end end assign Z = $realtobits(A); endmodule
Primitive, Instantiation
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