The following paragraphs give a brief technical introduction to VHDL suitable for the reader with no prior knowledge of the language. As will be evident from these paragraphs, VHDL uses a lot a specialised technical jargon!
The letters VHDL stand for the VHSIC (Very High Speed Integrated Circuit) Hardware Description Language. VHDL is a language for describing the behaviour and structure of electronic circuits, and is an IEEE standard (1076).
VHDL is used to simulate the functionality of digital electronic circuits at levels of abstraction ranging from pure behaviour down to gate level, and is also used to synthesize (i.e. automatically generate) gate level descriptions from more abstract (Register Transfer Level) descriptions. VHDL is commonly used to support the high level design (or language based design) process, in which an electronic design is verified by means of thorough simulation at a high level of abstraction before proceeding to detailed design using automatic synthesis tools.
VHDL became an IEEE standard in 1987, and this version of the language has been widely used in the electronics industry and academia. The standard was revised in 1993 to include a number of significant improvements.
In this section as in the rest of the guide, words given in capitalised Italics are technical terms whose definitions may be found in the main body of this guide.
An hierarchical portion of a hardware design is described in VHDL by an Entity together with an Architecture. The Entity defines the interface to the block of hardware (i.e. the inputs and outputs), whilst the Architecture defines its internal structure or behaviour. An Entity may possess several alternative Architectures.
Hierarchy is defined by means of Components, which are analogous to chip sockets. A Component is Instantiated within an Architecture to represent a copy of a lower level hierarchical block. The association between the Instance of the Component and the lower level Entity and Architecture is only made when the complete design hierarchy is assembled before simulation or synthesis (analogous to plugging a chip into a chip socket on a printed circuit board). The selection of which Entity and Architecture to use for each Component is made in the Configuration, which is like a parts list for the design hierarchy.
The structure of an electronic circuit is described by making Instances of Components within an Architecture, and connecting the Instances together using Signals. A Signal represents an electrical connection, a wire or a bus. A Port Map is used to connect Signals to the Ports of a Component Instantiation, where a Port represents a pin.
Each Signal has a Type, as does every value in VHDL. The Type defines both a set of values and the set of operations that can be performed on those values. A Type is often defined in a Package, which is a piece of VHDL containing definitions which are common to several Entities, Architectures, Configurations or other Packages. Individual wires are often represented as Signals of type Std_logic, which are defined in the package Std_logic_1164, another IEEE standard.
The behaviour of an electronic circuit is described using Processes (which represent the leaves in the hierarchy tree of the design). Each Process executes concurrently with respect to all other Processes, but the statements inside a process execute in sequential order and are in many ways similar to the statements in a software programming language. A Process can be decomposed into named Procedures and Functions, which can be given parameters. Common Procedures and Functions can be defined in a Package.
VHDL source code is usually typed into a text file on a computer. That text file is then submitted to a VHDL compiler which builds the data files necessary for simulation or synthesis. The proper jargon for the steps performed by the compiler are Analysis, which checks the VHDL source for errors and puts the VHDL into a Library, and Elaboration, which links together the Entities and Architectures of the hierarchy.
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