-- -- Program -- C:\CAO\EXEMPLAR\BIN\PC\FPGA.EXE C:\TEMP\ORIGINAL\MACHINE0.VHD C:\TEMP\RTL\MA -- CHINE0.VHD -COMMAND_FILE=C:\CAO\EXEMPLAR\BIN\PC\TMP16.$$$ -- Version V2.1.7 -- Definition of MACHINE0 -- -- VHDL Concurrent Statements, created by -- Exemplar Logic's CORE -- Fri Nov 17 12:59:31 1995 -- -- -- library exemplar ; use exemplar.exemplar_1164.all ; library ieee ; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all ; entity MACHINE0 is port ( X, CLK : in std_logic ; Z : out std_logic) ; end MACHINE0 ; architecture exemplar of MACHINE0 is signal PRESENT_STATE_0, PRESENT_STATE_1, vh_0, vh_1, vh_2, vh_3, vh_4, vh_5, vh_6, vh_7, vh_8, vh_9, vh_17, vh_18, vh_19, NEXT_STATE_1, NEXT_STATE_0: std_logic ; begin vh_0 <= ( not PRESENT_STATE_0 and not PRESENT_STATE_1) ; vh_1 <= (X and vh_0) ; vh_2 <= (PRESENT_STATE_0 and not PRESENT_STATE_1) ; vh_3 <= ( not X and vh_2) ; vh_4 <= (X and vh_2) ; vh_5 <= ( not PRESENT_STATE_0 and PRESENT_STATE_1) ; vh_6 <= (X and vh_5) ; vh_7 <= (PRESENT_STATE_0 and PRESENT_STATE_1) ; vh_8 <= ( not X and vh_7) ; vh_9 <= (X and vh_7) ; Z <= (PRESENT_STATE_0 and PRESENT_STATE_1) ; vh_17 <= (vh_9) or (vh_6) ; vh_18 <= (vh_8) or (vh_6) ; vh_19 <= (vh_17) or (vh_4) ; NEXT_STATE_1 <= (vh_18) or (vh_3) ; NEXT_STATE_0 <= (vh_19) or (vh_1) ; DFF( NEXT_STATE_0, CLK, PRESENT_STATE_0) ; DFF( NEXT_STATE_1, CLK, PRESENT_STATE_1) ; end exemplar ;