Logic Functions > Old-Style Macrofunctions
Old-Style Macrofunctions (by Function)
MAX+PLUS II provides over 300 74-series, bus, architecture-optimized, and application-specific macrofunctions.
Macrofunctions are listed here by function. You can also refer to a list of Old-Style Macrofunctions (by number).
Bus macrofunction names end with the letter B. A bus macrofunction is functionally identical to the corresponding non-bus macrofunction, but has grouped input and/or output pins.
- To view the schematic or AHDL file that contains the logic for a macrofunction, select the macrofunction symbol in the Graphic Editor or macrofunction name in the Text Editor and choose Hierarchy Down (File menu).
- VHDL does not support macrofunctions, megafunctions, primitives, or ports with names that are VHDL keywords or that begin with a number, e.g., 74-series macrofunctions. To use these functions in a VHDL Design File, see Using a MAX+PLUS II Logic Function.
Macrofunction Categories:
- Adders
- Arithmetic Logic Units
- Buffers
- Comparators
- Converters
- Counters
- Decoders
- Digital Filters
- Encoders
- Frequency Dividers
- Latches
- Multipliers
- Multiplexers
- Parity Generators/Checkers
- Rate Multipliers
- Registers
- Shift Registers
- Storage Registers
- SSI Functions
- True/Complement I/O Elements
See also:
- Unused Inputs to Primitives, Megafunctions & Macrofunctions