package body bounded_buffer_adt is function new_bounded_buffer ( size : in positive ) return bounded_buffer is begin return new bounded_buffer_object'( byte_count => 0, head_index => 0, tail_index => 0, store => new store_array(0 to size - 1) ); end function new_bounded_buffer; procedure test_empty ( variable the_bounded_buffer : in bounded_buffer; is_empty : out boolean ) is begin is_empty := the_bounded_buffer.byte_count = 0; end procedure test_empty; procedure test_full ( variable the_bounded_buffer : in bounded_buffer; is_full : out boolean ) is begin is_full := the_bounded_buffer.byte_count ='length; end procedure test_full; procedure write ( the_bounded_buffer : inout bounded_buffer; data : in byte ) is variable buffer_full : boolean; begin test_full(the_bounded_buffer, buffer_full); if buffer_full then report "write to full bounded buffer" severity failure; else := data; the_bounded_buffer.tail_index := (the_bounded_buffer.tail_index + 1) mod'length; the_bounded_buffer.byte_count := the_bounded_buffer.byte_count + 1; end if; end procedure write; procedure read ( the_bounded_buffer : inout bounded_buffer; data : out byte ) is variable buffer_empty : boolean; begin test_empty(the_bounded_buffer, buffer_empty); if buffer_empty then report "read from empty bounded buffer" severity failure; else data :=; the_bounded_buffer.head_index := (the_bounded_buffer.head_index + 1) mod'length; the_bounded_buffer.byte_count := the_bounded_buffer.byte_count - 1; end if; end procedure read; end package body bounded_buffer_adt; -- not in book entity fg_17_11 is end entity fg_17_11; architecture test of fg_17_11 is begin process is use work.bounded_buffer_adt.all; variable buf : bounded_buffer := new_bounded_buffer(4); variable empty, full : boolean; variable d : byte; begin test_empty(buf, empty); assert empty; test_full(buf, full); assert not full; write(buf, X"01"); write(buf, X"02"); test_empty(buf, empty); assert not empty; test_full(buf, full); assert not full; write(buf, X"03"); write(buf, X"04"); test_empty(buf, empty); assert not empty; test_full(buf, full); assert full; write(buf, X"05"); read(buf, d); read(buf, d); test_empty(buf, empty); assert not empty; test_full(buf, full); assert not full; read(buf, d); read(buf, d); test_empty(buf, empty); assert empty; test_full(buf, full); assert not full; read(buf, d); write(buf, X"06"); write(buf, X"07"); write(buf, X"08"); read(buf, d); read(buf, d); write(buf, X"09"); read(buf, d); write(buf, X"0A"); read(buf, d); write(buf, X"0B"); read(buf, d); write(buf, X"0C"); read(buf, d); write(buf, X"0D"); read(buf, d); write(buf, X"0E"); read(buf, d); write(buf, X"0F"); read(buf, d); wait; end process; end architecture test; -- end not in book