Library IEEE;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;

entity drink is
  port(clk, reset                     : in  std_logic;
       nickel_in, dime_in, quarter_in : in  boolean;
       nickel_out, dime_out, dispense : out boolean);

architecture behav of drink is
  type state_type is (idle, five, ten, fifteen,
                      twenty, twenty_five, thirty,
  signal current_state, next_state: state_type;

log_p:  process(current_state, nickel_in, dime_in, quarter_in)
    -- Default assignments
    next_state <= current_state;
    nickel_out <= false;
    dime_out   <= false;
    dispense   <= false;

    -- State transitions and output logic
    case current_state is
    when idle =>
      if(nickel_in) then
        next_state <= five;
      elsif(dime_in) then
        next_state <= ten;
      elsif(quarter_in) then
        next_state <= twenty_five;
      end if;

    when five =>
      if(nickel_in) then
        next_state <= ten;
      elsif(dime_in) then
        next_state <= fifteen;
      elsif(quarter_in) then
        next_state <= thirty;
      end if;

    when ten =>
      if(nickel_in) then
        next_state <= fifteen;
      elsif(dime_in) then
        next_state <= twenty;
      elsif(quarter_in) then
        next_state <= idle;
        dispense   <= true;
      end if;

    when fifteen =>
      if(nickel_in) then
        next_state <= twenty;
      elsif(dime_in) then
        next_state <= twenty_five;
      elsif(quarter_in) then
        next_state <= idle;
        dispense   <= true;
        nickel_out <= true;
      end if;

    when twenty =>
      if(nickel_in) then
        next_state <= twenty_five;
      elsif(dime_in) then
        next_state <= thirty;
      elsif(quarter_in) then
        next_state <= idle;
        dispense   <= true;
        dime_out   <= true;
      end if;

    when twenty_five =>
      if(nickel_in) then
        next_state <= thirty;
      elsif(dime_in) then
        next_state <= idle;
        dispense   <= true;
      elsif(quarter_in) then
        next_state <= idle;
        dispense   <= true;
        dime_out   <= true;
        nickel_out <= true;
      end if;

    when thirty =>
      if(nickel_in) then
        next_state <= idle;
        dispense   <= true;
      elsif(dime_in) then
        next_state <= idle;
        dispense   <= true;
        nickel_out <= true;
      elsif(quarter_in) then
        next_state <= owe_dime;
        dispense   <= true;
        dime_out   <= true;
      end if;

    when owe_dime =>
      next_state <= idle;
      dime_out   <= true;

    end case;
  end process;

  -- Synchronize state value with clock.
  -- This causes it to be stored in flip flops
  -- The asynchronous reset forces the idle-state
reg_p: process(clk, reset)
    if reset = '0' then
      current_state <= idle;
    elsif clk'event and clk = '1' then
      current_state <= next_state;
    end if;
  end process;

end behav;

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