Reference Materials
CSE 518: Synthesis with Hardware Design Languages
- DeMicheli: Synthesis and Optimization of Digital Circuits
- McGraw-Hall, 1994
- Devadas, Ghosh, Deutzer: Logic Synthesis
- McGraw-Hill, 1994
- Ku and DeMicheli: High-Level Synthesis of ASICs under
Timing and Synchronization Constraints
- Kluwer, 1992
- Gajski, Dutt, Wu, and Lin: High-Level Synthesis
- Kluwer, 1992
- Gebotys and Elmasry Optimal VLSI Architectural Synthesis
Kluwer 1992
- Ashar, Devadas, and Newton: Sequential Logic Synthesis
- Kluwer, 1992
- Camposano and Wolf: High-Level VLSI Synthesis
- Kluwer, 1991
- Carlson: Introduction to HDL-based Design Using VHDL
- Synopsys, 1990.
- Kurup and Abbasi: Logic Synthesis Using Synopsys
- Kluwer, 1995
- Thomas, Lagnese, Walker, Nestor, Rajan, and Blackburn:
Algorithmic and Register
- Transfer Level Synthesis: The System Architect's Workbench,
Kluwer, 1990
Modeling with VHDL